EduTherapy General Policies

At EduTherapy, we believe every student should have a team of guardians around him/her that is willing to commit to the child’s personal and academic growth and to consider their needs in every decision. A brief statement of policies is below. Please review these thoroughly :

  1. An individual wanting to meet and address his/her learning challenges must be willing to actively participate in all therapeutic sessions. Every student is expected to apply strategies and to communicate with parents, teachers, or other allied professionals (teacher, learning specialists, tutors, etc.). 
  1. Each student session “hour” runs for a professional 50-minute hour unless otherwise noted. The final 10 minutes of the hour are reserved for follow-up planning, preparation or note-taking. 
  1. Please keep all scheduled appointments as much as possible. A student’s rate of progress and educational growth highly depends upon consistent attendance and frequency. Rescheduling missed sessions is important.
  1. We must honor and respect each other’s time. If your child is unable to attend a session, please give at least 24 hours advance notice.  If a late cancellation is necessary due to an unforeseen circumstance, please call/text the ET ASAP.
  1. Parents are encouraged to call/email/text to discuss their concerns regarding their child’s educational and behavioral progress. There is not a fee for any brief call or message exchange. However, if a conversation exceeds 15 minutes, this will be billed as a consultation. 
    1. Whenever possible, an appointment should be booked to have extended discussions by phone, virtual Zoom, or in person. 
  1. The first several sessions are used for establishing a rapport with the student, collecting observational data, interviews, diagnostic testing, and/or setting up a learning plan. 
    1. Permission to speak with other Allied Professionals (AP) or teachers will be requested at this time. 
    2. A formal report of educational assessment results may be officially written by the ET to be shared with the school – if requested by parents.
    3. Possible referrals may be made for further investigation or insights.
  1. In-person parent conferences, teacher conferences, consulting with allied professionals (speech, psychologists, OT, etc.), are necessary in the beginning and from time-to-time to discuss student progress and share insights. 
    1. A regular (prorated) fee applies for the ET’s time spent in these meetings made by phone, virtual Zoom, or in person.
    2. Progress update meetings usually occur every 3-4 months.

EduTherapy Payments and Fees

1. A monthly invoice detailing upcoming sessions, administrative costs, and conference calls will be sent home towards the end of every month. Invoices will be emailed and payment by check is expected within 2 weeks (14 days) of dated receipt. 

2.  Late Payments: Please be sure to make invoice payments on time (within 14 days of billing). A $20 per day late penalty fee will be applied to any outstanding balance that remains after 14 days. After 14 days of non-payment, the ET reserves the right to suspend services until due payments are received. 

3. The hourly rate applies to: intake sessions, informal or formal diagnostic assessments, parent conferences,  Allied Professional (AP) consultations, home/class observations, and writing reports/learning plans. 

  • These in-person or remote conferences will be added to the next invoice. 
  • For more frequent sessions (3+/week), a package discount for student session rates may be available. (Prices, terms and conditions may vary by request.)
  • You have two weeks (14 days) to re-book a session or request a credit to the next month’s invoice, if applicable.
  • Initial and follow-up consultations with teachers and other specialists will be cleared ahead of time with parents whenever possible.

4. Educational Therapy is considered an independent and privately offered service to families and individuals. The ET’s time, training, expenditures (work materials, planning time, and transport) and lessons are not sponsored by any outside 3rd party.  

  • An extra fee for each home visit will be added for the ET’s time/expenses.
  • Student work materials needed for instruction will be itemized, valued at-cost, and included within the monthly invoice for parents.

5. If services are suspended either by either party for any reason, any and all fees and charges incurred up to that point in time (current or past due) shall be immediately due and shall be paid to Rebecca O’Brien within 7 days of final invoice receipt. 

  • Parents will be held responsible for any legal expenses involved in the collection of past due accounts.